Growing In Christ

Sunday School

We have Sunday School at 9:00 am each Sunday September through May. Our adult class enjoys diving into God’s Word and having challenging discussions about its meaning for our lives. There is also a class for younger children, and we currently have a Foundations of Faith Class for age 6 and up.

Small Groups

At Northport Covenant Church we believe that Small Groups provide a way for our members to grow deeper in Christ and His Word, and deeper in fellowship with each other. In these groups we connect and share details of our lives, and receive encouragement from each other. If you are interested in getting involved with a small group, contact the pastor and he will follow up with you.


Many of our members are committed to praying or rejoicing for our community and each other. The prayer chain is a way that we can pray for the needs of our members when they are going through a trying time, or when they want to give praise for an answered prayer. To join the prayer chain text “join” to (844)922-1943.

Several Members gather on Wednesday morning at 10:00am to pray for church members, people in the community, and our nation.

Men’s Group

“As Iron sharpens iron so one person sharpens another” Proverbs 27:17. We have a men’s group that meets weekly on Saturday morning at 8:00 Am. It is a time of fellowship, prayer, and encouragement for each other. We welcome visitors to join us.